Hello family and friends!
It is transfer week! In fact tomorrow is transfers! I found out today all the good info I need to know! And guess what!!! (Drum roll) I am STAYING in Pleasant View! I am so happy! This transfer should be full of baptisms so who wouldn't be excited? I have some other news as well! My dad (trainer Elder Sagmeister) is leaving me behind and is now going to serve in Logan! So now I have a new companion. His name is Elder Woolwine and that's all I know about him.
Oh I have some other news. I received a phone call from the assistants to the president and they informed me that I will serve as district leader! I find that fairly crazy but I humbly accepted the offer and hopefully I can be a example to the other 9 missionaries in my district.
So I am excited. It is bitter sweet because I love Elder Sagmeister but I know that the whatever the Lord has in store for us will help bring others closer to Christ and that is the whole purpose of missionary work.
This week wasn't our best week. It's just one of those where a lot of your lessons fall through. However, that doesn't mean that the work isn't strong. It just means that we have to change something about our work.
We did get a new investigator so that is pretty cool. There are still a lot of people who are ready and who need to hear the gospel. So we are always busy. Right now we are struggling with plans for earlier in the day but I think if we have a good brainstorming session we will be able to figure out some ideas. And who know? Maybe we will start to see a lot of oracles happen in this area.
I was curious one day to see how big the stake is compared to my stake back home. So I did some research and it looks like the size of the stake I cover is about the size of two wards back home. There are literally church buildings closer by then supermarkets. There are Christ buildings within less that half a mile away from each other.
Welcome to Utah.
I love this gospel. I love this church. It is true it's as simple as that. We have a God who loves us very much. Because of his son, Jesus Christ, we are able to return to live with God with our families forever. What a great blessing that will make anyone feel joy. We can feel peace and happiness in this life as we allow ourselves to use
Christ's atonement. He is with us by our side every step of the way. We can always improve our lives. There are always second chances and clean slates. I love being a missionary. It has blessed my life so much. There is so much joy to be found in the gospel of Jesus Christ as you apply its teachings. The church is true.
I love all of you!!
Love, Elder Skabelund