The Good: We had 2 investigators with a baptismal date this week!
We had around 20 referrals!
Exchanges with the Zone Leaders!
Zone Family Home Evening!
The Bad: The 2 investigators are not keeping commitments and are no
longer on a date.
Just about every referral wasn't interested
The Ugly: I continue to gain weight on a daily basis
Eating Meat and Potatoes every other day
Brownies and Ice Cream with every meal
So yes it was a week with our hopes going up and our hopes crashing down. I guess that's part of life so it's a good learning experience. We are keeping our heads held high because that's all about we can do.
His week has been a learning experience more than anything. Our day consists of finding, finding, and more finding. We visit referrals and talk with everyone and we find fun in every aspect of the work. We are finding new people to teach, we teach them. They commit, and then they don't do anything after that. We are really focusing on helping people keep commitments. We have really fine tuned our how to begin teaching skills. We are just running into a lot of people who say they will do something and then don't do it. We are getting creative and we are going to work as hard as we can! I know there are people here that are ready to heard the gospel. We are going to find the elite.
On Thursday we had a zone conference. We combined it with the Brigham and Tremonton zones so we got to drive down to Brigham City for zone conference. It was a 6 hour training on how we can work effectively with the members in the area. It was a good training. A training that I felt was necessary. It was good because I got to see a lot of missionaries that I've worked with in the past and I got to talk to President Allred. Later that evening we had one of the zone leaders go on exchanges. ( Well I guess it wasn't really exchanges because he tagged along with me and Elder Rivera in Malad.) It was a great learning experience. He taught me a lot on how I can improve as a missionary and how I can be an example to all the missionaries. It was a good humbling experience as I sat down and realized all the stuff that I need to improve on as a missionary.
The craziest thing was yesterday. I felt like God was telling me all the stuff I needed to hear. We went to a sacrament meeting where the talks were on obedience and repentance and forgiveness. We then unexpectedly joined a priesthood choir and sang Ye Elders of Israel. In the next sacrament meeting we found an investigator named Hugo who wants to be baptized. He has been coming to church for 4 weeks and the bishop just mentioned him to us yesterday. Oh well. Better late than never. He wants to be baptized and he wants us to teach his whole family which are non members of the church. We are going over on Thursday to teach him so that is really
exciting! Then that night we had a zone family home evening. It's the first time that we ever had one. It was cool we listened to our mission president and an institute teacher speak. Then we each bore our testimony. I told the zone how I felt and that this day has been a day of learning for me.
I really am thankful for those experiences. I have changed in a matter of a couple days and it's only because of Christ that I was able to do so. I am thankful to be here in Malad. It has changed me completely and I'm so blessed to be able to serve the Lord. I love this church and I love all of you guys!
Elder Skabelund
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